Place of Birth
The International
Confederation of Midwives believes that, in environments where women can make a
choice as to where they give birth, among the options they are able to consider
for a safe birth should be their homes.
The International
Confederation of Midwives recognises that not all nations have the legislation
or health service structure which supports home birth, and urges national
governments to review the scientific literature on the subject and progress to
a maternity service which includes it as an option for women giving birth.
Member Associations based in countries where women do not have access
to a full range of options as to where they can safely give birth, are
encouraged to negotiate with their governments for this to occur.
Care in Normal
Birth: a Practical Guide., report of a technical working group, WHO 1996.
Supersedes ICM
Practices 90/9
Homebirth 93/9
Adopted by the
International Confederation of Midwives Council,
Date for review: