to take place during the Council meeting 09-11 April 2002

Vienna, Austria for the period April, 2002- September, 2005


                                                          NOMINATION FORM


For the positions of Director, Deputy Director or Treasurer

(see Constitution paragraph 35 and Byelaws paragraph 19)


Please complete all sections in either typescript - or in block capitals in black ink if hand written


SECTION ONE (to be completed by the nominating Association)


The ..............................................................................................................................................

      (nominating Association)


of ..................................................................................................................................................






at a meeting of the above Association held on .............................................................................


at ..................................................................................................................................................


agreed to nominate ......................................................................................................................

(given name)                                        (family name)


for the position of:        Director          Deputy-Director        Treasurer


Please tick (a) the box which indicates the post candidate has been nominated for.


Signature of President .................................................................................................................


Signature of Vice President ..........................................................................................................


The Candidate is seconded by ....................................................................................................

(name of seconding Association)


Signature of President/Chairperson of seconding Association......................................................


If signature for seconding is unobtainable, has consent been obtained by :

    Telephone               Fax               Not obtained

















(please indicate the appropriate box by ticking [a])




SECTION TWO (for completion by the Nominee)


I ....................................................................................................................................................

  (given name)              (family name)


of ..................................................................................................................................................

   (title of Member Association)

accept Nomination for the position of (specify position) ...............................................................


I know that if elected I will be required to attend all Board of Management meetings (usually three per year) conducted in English of three days duration, normally held where Headquarters is located.



Signed                                                                                     Date


Qualifications ...............................................................................................................................


Present position ...........................................................................................................................


Past Experience and positions held with the International Confederation of Midwives, please list.






Please give brief resume of reason for acceptance of nomination:




















      Please attach

     a passport size


        of yourself







      Completed nomination papers to be returned to the

       Secretary General no later than 15 October, 2001










Please, find enclosed the copies of the Position Description for the:

-              Director

-              Deputy Director

-              Treasurer


These positions are now occupied by:


















Joyce Thompson





American College of Nurse Midwives





Judi Brown






Australian College of Midwives





Ruth Ashton





Independent Midwives Association



































Board of Management



THE DIRECTOR, once elected at the Triennial Council Meeting, assumes at the end of Congress, responsibility for the good management of the Confederation, its development and wellbeing within the Constitution, Bye-Laws and Policies adopted by Council. In addition, the Director shall function as the Director for the Foundation for the Management of the International Confederation of Midwives.



TENURE                      the Triennial period between Council Meetings


CONDITIONS               voluntary, reimbursement of expenses incurred when undertaking authorised activities for the Confederation



-           establishment of an effective group process within the Board of Management

-           leadership in the development of initiatives designed to achieve the mission of the Confederation

-           maintenance of the Confederation's standing within the relevant legislation of the country in which ICM headquarters is situated.

-           supervision of the work of the Secretary General and the effectiveness of Headquarters in meeting the aims and objectives of the Confederation

-           providing support to the President as required in the chairing of Council and Executive Committee Meetings

-           positive representation of the global interests of the profession within international and national meetings as opportunities are presented

-           preservation of the good name of the Confederation within WHO, the UN and other forums



-           Chair Board of Management Meetings

-           presentation of Board of Management Report to Council and Executive Committee Meetings

-           regular consultation with the Secretary General and other Board Members on the day-to-day management of the Confederation

-           to prescribe the terms and conditions of service of the Secretariat

-           regular evaluation of the work performance of the Secretary General as required by the Position Description

-           to appoint and terminate the services of Secretariat members

-           preparation of submissions, remits for the Board, Executive Committee and Council Meetings, for the development of Position Statements on issues related to the professional development, operational effectiveness and efficiency of the Confederation and its management






-           attending meetings and representation (of Member Associations) as necessary, to foster the work of the Confederation

-           authorise the issue of publications




-           to receive all reports as submitted by Regional Representatives and respond, usually through the Secretary General, to these.

-           to bring Member Association activities to the attention of Regional Representatives where these are notified direct to Board Members or Headquarters.


Agreed by the Board of Management at its Meeting, June 2001









































Board of Management



THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR, once elected at the Triennial Council Meeting, assumes at the end of Congress, responsibility in accordance with the Constitution and Bye-Laws adopted by Council and shares responsibility with the Director and Treasurer for the overall good management of the Confederation. In addition, the Deputy Director shall function as the Deputy Director for the Foundation for the Management of the International Confederation of Midwives.



TENURE                      the Triennial period between Council Meetings


CONDITIONS               voluntary; reimbursement of expenses incurred when undertaking authorised activities for the Confederation



-           review of all agenda materials prior to Meetings

-           submission of agenda items appropriate to areas of specific responsibility

-           collaboration with and support of other Board of Management members in ensuring effective initiatives are carried out to achieve the mission of the Confederation



-           attend all Board of Management Meetings

-           attend Executive Committee and Council Meetings

-           submission of agenda items pertaining to pre-Congress Workshops                                               etc

-           Chair pre-Congress Workshop as needed

-           maintain regular contact with the Secretary General and other Board Members for the day-to-day management of the Confederation

-           maintain contact with Member Associations and or Regional Representatives as directed by Secretariat

-           provide leadership to Congress Committees, Work Groups as needed

-           maintain Board of Management Manual in collaboration with                                                           secretariat

-           preparation of submissions, remits for the Board, Executive Committee and Council Meetings, for the development of Position Statements on issues related to the professional development, operational effectiveness and efficiency of the Confederation and its management

-           attending meetings and representation (of Member Associations) as necessary to foster the work of the Confederation



Agreed by the Board of Management at its Meeting, June 2001








Board of Management



THE TREASURER, once elected at the Triennial Council Meeting, assumes at the end of Congress responsibility in accordance with Clauses 27 and 36 of the Constitution and 37, 38 and 39 of the Byelaws, for the good management of the financial affairs of the Confederation, as well as the full range of responsibilities incumbent upon every member of the Board of Management. In addition, the Treasurer shall function as the Treasurer for the Foundation for the Management of the International Confederation of Midwives.


TENURE                      the triennial period between Council Meetings



voluntary; reimbursement of expenses incurred when undertaking authorised activity for the Confederation.  By custom and in the best interests of the Confederation the Treasurer will normally remain available for consultation on ICM financial matters during any absence of the Secretary General, (e.g., annual leave, overseas visits)



-        the establishment and maintenance of a sound financial basis for the furthering of the activities of the Confederation, in collaboration with the Board of Management

-        the protection and enhancement of the Confederation's assets

-        the payment of all legitimate debts

-        the pursuit of all outstanding dues

-        the observation of approved accounting procedures and fiscal policies in accordance with the requirements of the law of the Netherlands and the Auditor duly appointed by Council

-        collaboration with the Secretary General in the preparation of and undertaking the  presentation of a full financial report covering the previous triennium

-        the presentation of the audited accounts for the previous triennium

-        the establishment and proposal of the level of capitation fees for the subsequent triennium, for Council's approval and adoption

-        collaboration with the Secretary General in the preparation of and undertaking presentation of a budget for the first year of the next triennium and a provisional budget for the subsequent two years, for Council's approval and adoption




-        receipt of the audited accounts from the Auditor

-        presentation of full audited accounts at the end of each financial year

-        collaboration with the Secretary General in the submission of written reports at each Board meeting summarising developments of ICM's financial position since the last meeting and presenting the balance sheet, income and expenditure and budget papers for the same period


-        collaboration with the Secretary General in the preparation and annual submission of a three year rolling strategy for Headquarters, which includes an annual budget

-        consultation / advice to the Secretary General on matters delegated by the Board arising between Board Meetings

-        preparation of discrete project budgets as the need arises and / or provision of guidance to project worker on such budgets

-        ensuring that the Director is advised of emerging or potential financial matters at the earliest possibility

-        advising the Board of Management in financial matters

-        the protection, growth and management of special funds within the Confederation's assets (e.g., ICM - Marie Goubran Memorial Fund, Membership Fee Assistance Fund, Safe Motherhood Fund, etc.)



Secretary General

-        maintain frequent contact to review and monitor financial developments within the day-to-day management of the Confederation

-        offer advice, guidance and support on decisions with financial implications to be taken between Board meetings, in line with agreed policy.

-        assist, where appropriate, in the preparation of reports or consultation with legal personnel, finance advisers, banks or similar bodies


Bookkeeper / Accountant

-        review financial status of the Confederation on a monthly basis

-        develop, maintain and monitor a systematic budgeting cycle



-        collaboration with the Secretary General to ensure that accounts are prepared for audit by agreed timelines

-        collaboration with the Secretary General in preparing the presentation of an Annual / Triennial Financial Report



-        collaborate in the development of a coherent body of financial policy for the Confederation

-        monitor performance against budget on a monthly basis

-        maintain records of all relevant discussions, meetings, decisions and agreements

-        inform herself on current affairs in relation to their impact on the financial affairs of the Confederation

-        authorise, within the guidelines agreed by the BoM, movement of monies within the Confederation's accounts.

-        in the absence of the Secretary General sign cheques and respond to urgent correspondence as required.



Sharing responsibility with the other members of the Board of Management and the Secretary General for promoting knowledge of the aims of the Confederation, of midwifery, and of the reproductive health care needs of women and their families by whatever means are appropriate.



Accepted by the Board of Management at its meeting of June 2001


Board of Management



         THE PRESIDENT, once elected by the International Council, assumes at the end of Congress, a responsibility in accordance with the Constitution (clauses 27 and 34) and By-Laws (clauses 37,38 y 39) adopted by Council and shares responsibility with the Director, Deputy Director and Treasurer for the overall good management of the Confederation. In addition the President shall function as a Board member for the Foundation for the Management of the International Confederation of Midwives.


         TENURE                 the Triennial period between Council Meetings


         CONDITION           voluntary; reimbursement of expenses incurred when undertaking authorised activities for the Confederation



-                      review of all agenda materials prior to Meetings

-                      submission of agenda items appropriate to areas of specific responsibility

-                      collaboration with and support of other Board of Management members in ensuring effective initiatives are carried out to achieve the mission of the Confederation



-                      chair all Executive Committee and Council Meetings

-                      attend all of Board of Management meetings

-                      submission of agenda items pertaining to Congress, etc

-                      liaise with host association and Board of Management on matters pertaining to Congress, Council and ICM Workshops

-                      maintain regular contact with the Secretary General and other Board members

-                      provide leadership to Congress Committees, Work Groups as needed

























Information / Guidance



3.Board of Management Elections

Director, Deputy Director  (Constitution paragraph 35)


(i)           The Council shall elect the Director and Deputy Director of the Board of                                 Management to serve for a term of three years. The Director and Deputy Director                 may be nominated or seconded by any Member Association, the nominees                           Member Association should be either a nominator or seconder.


(ii)                  The Director and Deputy Director shall be eligible for immediate re-election,             but may not continue in office for more than three consecutive terms.


               And Byelaws paragraph 24

              The elections procedure for officers of the Board of Management shall be as follows:


a.       Members of the Board of Management shall be nominated by any Member Association.


b.      Individual people, and not Member Association or countries shall be nominated and elected.


c.       Nominations for members of the Board of Management shall be submitted to the Headquarters secretariat not less than four months before the International Council meeting, following a formal request from the Secretary General.


d.       Nomination for members of the Board of Management shall be circulated to the Council members not less than six weeks before the International Council meeting where elections will take place.


e.       Election of members of the Board of Management shall take place in accordance with paragraph 21 (iii) of the Constitution.


                Treasurer (Constitution paragraph 36)


               36.         The Council shall elect un Treasurer to serve for a term of three years. This person                               shall normally be a member of and nominated by a Member Association of the                                       country in which the Headquarters of the Confederation is situated. This person                                     shall be eligible for immediate re-election but may not continue in office for more                                    than three consecutive terms.


   The role and responsibility of the Board of Management are on the Constitution paragraphs 27 to 34,    and Byelaws paragraphs 37 to 40.