Three mid-triennium conferences have been
held since the Council endorsed the concept in
Hosting this conference should rotate in all the ICM Regions but should not coincide with the region where the Triennial Congress was or will be held The conference is usually held in association with other activities:
Once the host has been identified, the host association/group and the International Confederation of Midwives headquarters share responsibilities.
In- country preparations: These are the responsibility of the host association except in situations where the host association has no such capacity. These preparations include:
· Identifying the venue after floating a tender and obtaining three quotations
· Booking the venue after it has been agreed by the Board of Management
· Ensuring there are enough rooms for the Board Members, The Executive Committee Members and headquarters staff and meeting rooms for separate events.
· Ensuring that there is enough room for all the participants so that everyone is in the same hotel.
· Ensuring that there is a room for secretarial work.
Preparation of the programme:
· Choosing the theme and sub themes of the conference.
· Calling for abstracts
· Convening a Professional Scientific Programme Committee
· Reviewing and selecting abstracts for presentation during the conference.
· Identifying speakers and ensuring that 75 percent are from developing countries.
· Drafting the programme.
· Identifying people who will officially open the conference.
· Identifying rapporteurs
During the conference:
· Chairing
· Creating a file for the papers that will have been presented and notes from individual rapporteurs
· Handing out evaluation forms to participants and collecting them before the end of the conference to put in the report file.
At the end of the conference:
· Ensuring that all rapporteurs have presented their notes to the person responsible for writing the report.
· Arranging a short meeting with all rapporteurs and the person(s) who will write the report
· Handing over the file with notes and papers to the person who will write the report.
The ICM Secretariat under the direction of the Board of Management has the following responsibilities:
Before the Conference:
· Organising a site visit for suitability of the venue
· Informing governments and member associations about the event.
· Coordinating with international agencies for support and also to invite them to the conference.
· Identifying participating countries and participants.
· Briefing participants on their participation in the programme.
· Fundraising and coordinating any fundraising by the host association.
· Funding some participants
· Inviting participants
· Making travel arrangements for participants through the services of a congress organiser.
· Drawing up a budget for the event.
· Ensure that local arrangements with the hotel and caterers are done.
Programme Preparation:
· Check the programme prepared by the host association
· Ensure adequate coverage of topics by collaborating with the host association.
During the conference:
· Identify facilitators if at any time there is need for facilitation during the conference.
· Work with the host association to prepare means of collating information.
At the end of the conference:
· Have a brief meeting with all rapporteurs to ensure that all notes and papers have been submitted into the file.
· Receive the file with the information and the evaluation forms.
After the Conference:
· Write the report.
· Collate the evaluations.
· Disseminate the report and the evaluation results.
· Write the official report for the printers for production.
· Finalise payments
· Carry out any follow up activities.
Details are usually known when the event gets closer but where possible as many items as possible should be foreseen well in advance to ensure effective budgeting. The list below shows the items to be considered on the budget:
Travel costs site visit
Board of Management
Regional Representatives from resource poor countries.
Visa applications for those countries that require a visa for entry for Board Members, staff and those funded by the ICM.
Sponsored midwives
Accommodation costs:
Board members
Regional Representatives from Resource poor countries and sponsored midwives.
Meals: teas/coffees
Dinner for all those whose accommodation and travel is being covered by ICM
Venue: conference room
Break away room where necessary
Secretarial room
Secretarial services
Equipment: Computer hire where necessary with printer
Audiovisual aids e.g. power point presenter, OHP, etc
Stationery: Paper, pens, pads for participants, etc
Material reproduction: photocopying, typing
Communication: telephones, e- mail access, faxes, postage etc before during and after the event.
Venue decorations.
Opening reception and any other social events.