at the International Council meeting

                                                             9 – 11 April  2002


Name of Nominating Association...................................................................................................




Tel:                                                                  Fax:



1.         Name of Nominee..............................................................................................................




Tel:                                                                  Fax:



2.         Name of Nominee..............................................................................................................




Tel:                                                                  Fax:



Signature:.......................................................................... President/Chairperson of Association:


This form is requested to be returned to the Secretary General at the above address no later than 15 October, 2001.However it is possible to add names until the beginning of the Council meeting.


Photocopying of this paper is permitted but Associations are asked to number their nominations in order of preference should an allocation be necessary.










Information / Guidance



2.                  Observers to Council

(Constitution paragraph 16)


(iii)                All midwives belonging to a Member Association shall be eligible to attend meeting to the Council.


       Byelaws paragraph 16                                  Constitution paragraph 16 (iii)


       Other interested observers may attend International Council meetings provided                        they apply to the Board of Management for accreditation prior to its opening


·         Observers are invited to attend Council Meetings


·         They are not entitled to speak, but they can hear the debate.


·          If the demand for access to the meeting place by midwife and non-midwife          observer exceeds the capacity of the Council venue, first priority will be given      to those accredited by Member Associations and places will be allocated             across Member Associations by Region.